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October 13th Worship Service

Joel De Ford • Oct 15, 2024

Worship Service

By Joel De Ford 15 Oct, 2024
Worship Service
By Joel De Ford 15 Oct, 2024
October 13 , 2024 - Ezekiel 18:1-32 - The people of Jerusalem were using a proverb that was false, and God was not pleased. He made clear to them that people would be punished for their own sins, not for the sins of their fathers. Those who repented would be forgiven, those who had lived a good life and then turned their back on it would be punished.
By Joel De Ford 07 Oct, 2024
October 6, 2024 - Ezekiel 17:1-24 - Ezekiel's next metaphor teaches two major lessons, as well as predicting the future of Judah. God gives us the interpretation, so there is no speculation.
By Joel De Ford 29 Sep, 2024
September 29, 2024 - Ezekiel 16:1-63 - The point of this metaphor is simple. Jerusalem has been unfaithful to God, and God is going to discipline her to bring her back, but He will never be unfaithful to her. God places a very high value on faithfulness, unlike fallen human beings.
By Joel De Ford 24 Sep, 2024
September 22, 2024 - Ezekiel 15:1-8 - God likens Jerusalem to a fruitless vine, that is good for nothing but the fire. This metaphor is a common one in Scripture, and we can learn much from it.
By Joel De Ford 16 Sep, 2024
September 15, 2024 - Ezekiel 14:1-23 - God has never promised to answer the requests of everyone. The Elders in Babylon were hypocrites, and God said He would not listen to them. He tells us why, so we can deduce from that what we must do to assure that God will listen to us. God is just, and He never acts arbitrarily.
By Joel De Ford 09 Sep, 2024
September 8, 2024 - Ezekiel 13:1-23 - Ezekiel addresses the false prophets and prophetesses. They are whitewashing the edifice of lies that the people are building, and failing to build a wall of truth. They will perish in the devastation that is sure to follow.
By Joel De Ford 02 Sep, 2024
September 1, 2024 - Ezekiel 12:1-28 - God is not stingy with the truth. He proclaims it over and over, in various ways. In this chapter, he has Ezekiel perform a drama, picturing what is going to happen to King Zedekiah, and he assures the people that He will do as He says, and soon.
By Joel De Ford 02 Sep, 2024
August 25, 2024 - Ezekiel 11:1-25 - Wicked rulers contribute massively to the fall of a people. Also, many feel that what is happening to them is a catastrophe, but often, as in the case of the people who were taken into captivity, they are actually being blessed and preserved.
By Joel De Ford 18 Aug, 2024
August 18th, 2024 - Ezekiel 10:1-22 - Ichabod means "the glory is departed" and that is exactly what happens in this chapter. God deserts the temple in Jerusalem, and the land is ripe for judgment. What triggered this worst of all possible events?
By Joel De Ford 11 Aug, 2024
August 11th, 2024 - Ezekiel 9:1-11 - God shows Ezekiel what He intends to do about the abominations that Jerusalem has been engaged in, and it isn't pretty. But there are some people who will be spared, and He explains why, and there are others who will be judged first, and there is an explanation for that also.
By Joel De Ford 05 Aug, 2024
August 4, 2024 - Ezekiel 8:1-18 - In this passage God shows Ezekiel the abominations that the people of Jerusalem are committing, which include both open and secret idolatry. In your imagination, your room of pictures, what are you worshipping?
By Joel De Ford 22 Jul, 2024
July 21, 2024 - Ezekiel 7:1-27 - The message of this chapter is that judgment is coming, and God is revealed as the God who strikes! God is long suffering, but He will not bear with wickedness forever. The flood, Sodom, the dispersion, and the prophesied end of this world all attest to this fact. The world doesn't believe it, but we as Christians should be prepared, whenever it finally happens.
By Joel De Ford 14 Jul, 2024
July 14, 2024 - Ezekiel 6:1-14 - The sin of God's people that triggered the judgment God is promising was idolatry. God declares through Ezekiel that His judgment will result in his people knowing that He is God. There is no more important knowledge that we can have than the knowledge that God is Lord. Knowing God is critical.
By Joel De Ford 23 Jun, 2024
June 23, 2024 - Ezekiel 5:1-17 - God gives Ezekiel an object lesson for the people, and the interpretation is that Jerusalem will be destroyed, 2 thirds of the people killed, and one third scattered over the earth. Because they had not glorified God in their living, God will glorify Himself in their judgement. God's glory is inevitable.
By Joel De Ford 17 Jun, 2024
June 16, 2024 - Genesis 1:26-31- when God finished His work in creation, that didn't mean there was nothing left to do. God intended that the humans he was creating would add to His creation, increasing order, managing and enhancing His work. Fatherhood is a huge part of this.
By Joel De Ford 09 Jun, 2024
June 9, 2024 - Ezekiel 4:1-17 Ezekiel is called upon to illustrate the siege of Jerusalem by participating in it vicariously. It cost him deeply to be God's mouthpiece, and it will cost us as well.
By Joel De Ford 05 Jun, 2024
June 2nd , 2024 - Ezekiel 3:16-27 - Ezekiel is given the job of watchman for God's people. He is warning about temporal danger, but we are watchmen as well, and our message is one of Spiritual and eternal danger. It is a serious responsibility.
By Joel De Ford 19 May, 2024
May 19th, 2024 - Ezekiel 3:1-15 - Ezekiel wasn't doing cross cultural ministry, and God said if he had been they would have listened. In some cases, same culture communication is tougher, and it takes tough people to do it.
By Joel De Ford 13 May, 2024
May 12th, 2024 - Proverbs 31:1-9 - God's Word, and especially Proverbs, rates mothers pretty high. The challenges of motherhood are pretty significant, and Proverbs has much to say about being a good mother. Thank God for good mothers!
By Joel De Ford 06 May, 2024
May 5th, 2024 - Ezekiel 2:1-10 - After seeing the vision of the Glory of God, Ezekiel is called by God to declare His Word to His people. They would know that a prophet had been among them! I apologize again for the audio quality, we are still having mic issues.
By Joel De Ford 28 Apr, 2024
April 28, 2024 - Ezekiel 1:4-28 - God gives Ezekiel a vision of His glory, in preparation for his ministry. We all need the same vision. I apologize for the drop in audio quality toward the end. We seem to have lost a mic.
By Joel De Ford 14 Apr, 2024
April 14, 2024 - Ezekiel 1:1-3 - The life and times of Ezekiel the prophet, and the background information for this book.
By Joel De Ford 07 Apr, 2024
April 7, 2024 - In a post-truth society, we must return to and understand what truth is, where we discover it, and why we should tell it. The love of truth must become the foundation upon which we build everything else.
By Joel De Ford 01 Apr, 2024
March 31, 2024 - The resurrection is required belief for the Christian, and there is plenty of evidence for it, but we are not required to feel that it is true, which is much harder to do, and for many reasons. We must trust our minds more than our hearts!
By Joel De Ford 26 Mar, 2024
Ma rch 24, 2024 - The disciples went from the highest of Mountain Tops to the lowest of valleys in one week. In both, God's purposes were being accomplished.
By Joel De Ford 18 Mar, 2024
Mar ch 17, 2024 - What is a Worldview, how do we develop one, and how do we know which one is right?
By Joel De Ford 11 Mar, 2024
March 10, 2024 - Why should you be baptized, is it for today, and how young can one be baptized?
By Joel De Ford 04 Mar, 2024
March 3rd - What is the significance of water baptism, and why should christians be baptized?
By Joel De Ford 25 Feb, 2024
February 25, 2024 - I Corinthians 12:12-27 - Evidence that the early church did indeed have a membership, and why membership is essential to church life.
By Joel De Ford 19 Feb, 2024
February 18th, II Timothy 4:16-22 - God is sufficient to meet all our needs, but that doesn't mean He meets them all directly. In fact, He meets most of our needs mediately. But when we are all alone, He is there for us. Paul was forsaken by men, but not by God.
By Joel De Ford 12 Feb, 2024
I Timothy 4:1-5 - Marriage is under attach in our generation, but it was ordained by God, and is an institution that ought to be defended. It is the best school in which to learn divine, self-sacrificial love, and is a major part of God's plan for sanctification of the majority of people.
By Joel De Ford 05 Feb, 2024
II Timothy 4:9-15 - Paul has been left mostly alone in Rome, and he urges Timothy to come to him. We see Paul lonely, forsaken, tired, and discouraged. He isn't that much different than you and I! My apologies for the recording - we had mic problems.
By Joel De Ford 28 Jan, 2024
II Timothy 4:6-8 - Here, Paul gives his elegy to Timothy. He states his present situation, and then he looks back at his past service, and forward to his glorious future.
By Joel De Ford 22 Jan, 2024
II Timo thy 4:1-5 - Paul passes the torch to Timothy, as he contemplates the end of his life, and gives him a charge that every one of us should take to heart.
By Joel De Ford 14 Jan, 2024
II Timothy 3:14-17 The Scriptures are breathed out by God, and are all we need for Salvation and Sanctification, as well as being true in everything they address. We desperately need to get back to building our lives upon God's Word.
By Joel De Ford 07 Jan, 2024
Follow Me, Boys - Paul explains the reasons why Timothy chose to be his disciple and join his team. There are many lessons about discipleship that we can learn from him.
By Joel De Ford 31 Dec, 2023
Looking Ahead - Will the rapture take place soon, or not? And how should we live in either case? 
By Joel De Ford 18 Dec, 2023
The Birth of a Cult - II Timothy 3:6-9
By Joel De Ford 12 Dec, 2023
Perilous Times - The character of the people who make the last days so perilous.
By Joel De Ford 03 Dec, 2023
A Mission of Rescue - How to be the kind of person who is able to rescue those in captivity to Satan.
By Joel De Ford 26 Nov, 2023
Fine China - How we can be useful and honorable vessels for the Master's use.
By Joel De Ford 20 Nov, 2023
Thanksgiving Psalm - It is not enough to praise God, we must praise Him for something. It is not enough to thank God, we must know what we are thanking Him for.
By Joel De Ford 13 Nov, 2023
A Firm Foundation - We must never trust the ideas of men, but place our complete confidence in the Word of God.
By Joel De Ford 06 Nov, 2023
A Certified Technician - We must strive to be a certified handler of the Word of God!
By Joel De Ford 23 Oct, 2023
Marvelous Metaphors - Paul uses 4 metaphors in this passage that give us a great deal of insight into what it means to serve the Lord.
By Joel De Ford 15 Oct, 2023
F aithful and True - We must guard the truth that has been entrusted to us with eternal vigilance, or we will begin to drift. We must never substitute man's authority for God's!
By Joel De Ford 09 Oct, 2023
No Need to Blush! - There are several reasons why we should not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
By Joel De Ford 01 Oct, 2023
Fan the Flames! - Paul begins the letter by trying to encourage Timothy in four ways, and urges him to encourage himself as well.
By Joel De Ford 24 Sep, 2023
Profit and Loss - What God wants is always profitable, and disobeying Him will always result in loss.
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